How do I submit my work to eScholarship@Goucher?


Once you have registered with mdsoar and received your confirmation email you can submit an item.

  1. Go to and click on the login button on the upper right hand side of the screen. Enter your email address and password to sign in.

  1. Select the Submit items to MD-SOAR link.

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  1. Here is where you enter information about your work.  Make sure you are in the correct collection (see #1). If not, please do not enter any information and inform the repository administrator at If you are in the proper collection, you will add your files to the top of the form (see #2). The only two fields that are required are Title and Type but the more information you enter the easier it will be to locate your piece during a google search.

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  1. You will have the opportunity to add a Creative Commons License to your item.  These licenses let others know how they can use your material.  You can select which license, or none at all, using the drop-down box.

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  1.  The last step is the Distribution license.  Here you are agreeing to grant Goucher College a no cost, non-exclusive right to your materials.  This means that while you have given permission to Goucher College to make this item freely available online, Goucher College does not own the copyright.  You, as the author, still retain copyright and are able to publish the item in other formats.

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  1. Once you complete your metadata entry, select the green Deposit button on the bottom right of the screen. You will be able to review your submissions.

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  1. The repository administrator will receive notice of your deposit and will add it to the collection. You will receive an email confirmation once it is available online.

Please contact repository administrator Kristen Welzenbach with any questions, comments, or suggestions.

  • Last Updated Apr 01, 2024
  • Views 663
  • Answered By Kristen Welzenbach

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